Engaging Family Party Games for All Ages

Engaging Family Party Games for All Ages

Game nights are one of the traditions that are adored in many families. Sitting around a game board or cards is a precious chance to have some quality time together, to create funny stories, and make unforgettable memories. The selection of the games is very important, especially when people of different ages and skill levels play during the game night. Scroll down for a list of fun ideas for family party games by Giftcarnation that will be fun for all ages to play.

Classic Board Games

Bring out your favorite board games that have been lying idle on the shelf as family party games. Traditional games such as Monopoly, Scrabble, Sorry, and Trouble remain popular even into the twenty-first century. Switch rolling the dice and moving the pieces to the different places on the board. These games instill lessons on how to strategize, spell, count, and even how to either win or lose. It’s just fun, friendly banter that everyone in the family loves to engage in most of the time.

Dance Party

Get some fun, happy, and suitable children's songs and start dancing for some fun without any planning! Find out who can dance the most foolish steps. Or one person can remain the “dance instructor” and the rest remain in a line and mimic all his/her movements.

Teplo Playing Cards

Teplo is the exciting new set of playing cards for that added touch of warmth to your family game nights. These family party games cards are surely going to make everyone sit together and the game night becomes the highlight of the week. Teplo consists of 51 playing cards and 50 ‘funny and family related challenges and trivia cards’ that make the traditional card games even more entertaining.

Related Blog- https://giftcarnation.com/blogs/gift-hamper/top-10-creative-family-party-games


A bit similar to hide and seek, in Sardines, one person hides and the rest of the players have to blindfold themselves. And then the fun part starts in family games – the time when the counting is over, and the actual search begins. When each of the players reaches the place, they sit beside or over the others until everybody is squeezed in tightly, just like fish in a tin. The last person left hiding then becomes the next person to hide. This amusing game generally leads to lots of shushing and laughter!

Simon Says

Simon Says is a family game for kids and adults where some of the players take turns being ‘Simon’ while the other players take direction from them by executing orders such as “jump three times” or “stand on one foot.” The twist comes in when Simon issues the directions in a form that is prohibited, like telling the players to “jump without saying Simon says.”

20 Questions

The “question asker” decides on a person, place or thing and everybody else has to guess it by responding either by nod or shake their head. Perfect for understanding what every person’s mind is like. While playing the game of 20 Questions, will the family be able to guess the secret item?

Trivial Pursuit

Divided into categories such as entertainment, geography, history, and arts & culture, this game is useful for any curious-minded people of all ages. Collaborate in the mixed-age groups so that enthusiasm of young minds packed with new knowledge can benefit from experienced heads of lifelong learners.

Family Feud

Split into two teams and participate in this fun twist on the famous game show. One of the family members must be chosen to be the host. They will read survey questions such as “name something you do at a park.” Then each team has to guess the correct answers. It is possible to search for real Family Feud questions on the Internet or to come up with the questions on your own. People always like to see who knows the most about you and your family especially if you are a crazy one.


Among the best family games for all ages, the game will involve the concept as a team of disease fighters where players will cooperate in fighting diseases that are spreading across the world map. Coordinate your efforts with other members of your team and use your specialized knowledge of how diseases spread to investigate cures and to contain the illnesses before they become a major problem. It is time to kill all four deadly diseases before they finish off the world!


Games can be really fun for the whole family when you get to match the capabilities of each member and their positive traits. Choose family party games that require cooperation, laughter, and flexibility so that everyone can play at one’s ability. Finally, stress that quality time spent together is a lot more valuable than winning a game. However, with the right games and the right attitude, your family game night will be a treasured event that will bring the family closer together and will be looked forward to by all members of the family for many years to come. To buy Teplo Playing Cards, visit Giftcarnation today!